Innovative Sponsorship Programs to Increase Your Revenue
Date & Time
Monday, October 28, 2024, 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Bruce Rosenthal

In today's challenging economic landscape, organizations are grappling with revenue shortages while simultaneously facing increasing demands from their members for more information, services, and support. Companies are becoming increasingly selective about which organizations they choose to sponsor. This session will explore strategies for WTCA Members to enhance their sponsorship programs. Learn how to bolster revenue streams and foster connections that enable global engagement and local prosperity.

  • Learn what your sponsors want (and what they don’t want)
  • Discover how to expand benefits to attract sponsors (and increase sponsor fees)
  • Find out how to tap other budgets in corporations for sponsorships (and secure new sponsorships)
  • Determine sponsor value propositions for your annual events, such as World Trade Day, other events, and year-round sponsorships (and create unique value for sponsors)
Location Name
The Hub, Convene
Full Address
1 Liberty St
New York, NY 10006
United States