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Please note, the 2024 Member Forum is only open to WTCA Members and their accompanying guests.

WTC License Holders, WTC Board Members, and WTC Staff are encouraged to attend!


FIRST-TIMERS LIMITED OFFER: Are you attending the Member Forum for the first time? We’re thrilled to offer our special WTCA First-Time Attendee discount at an exclusive 50% off the ticket rate! This is your perfect opportunity to experience the value and connections the WTCA community has to offer at half the cost. This offer ends September 15, 2024. To receive this special discount, email

WTCA Member - $427.34

The base ticket rate is US $415. To pay via credit card, there is a processing fee of 2.9% plus a $0.30 transaction fee. If you wish to pay via a bank transfer, please contact us at

This ticket is only for license holders and staff of World Trade Center businesses.