Official Language

French is the official language spoken in Marseille. While English is understood in tourist areas and by some business professionals, speaking French or making an effort to do so is appreciated.

Common Phrases

  • Bonjour (Hello/Good day)
  • Bonne journée (Have a good day)
  • Au revoir (Goodbye) 
  • Bonne nuit (Good night)
  • Merci (Thank you)
  • S'il vous plaît (Please)
  • Excusez-moi (Excuse me)
  • Bon appétit (Enjoy your meal)
  • J'aimerais...un verre de vin/un verre d'eau (I would like...a glass of wine/a glass of water)
  • Parlez-vous anglais? (Do you speak English?)
  • Désolé, je ne parle pas français (Sorry, I do not speak French)
  • Oui (Yes)
  • Non (No)


Official Currency: The Euro (€) is the official currency used in Marseille and the rest of France.

ATMs and Credit Cards: ATMs are widely available throughout the city, and major credit cards are accepted in most places, including hotels, restaurants, and shops. It is advisable to carry some cash for small purchases or in case of places that do not accept cards.

Currency Exchange: Currency exchange services are available at airports, major train stations, and some hotels. It is also possible to exchange money at banks and dedicated exchange offices in the city.


Greetings: A common greeting in France is a handshake or a kiss on both cheeks (La bise) among acquaintances, you start left cheek then right cheek. It is polite to say "Bonjour" (Good day) when entering a shop or encountering someone on the street.

Dining Etiquette: Meals, especially lunch and dinner, are important social events. It is customary to keep your hands on the table (but not your elbows) during meals. Finishing everything on your plate can show appreciation. It is a courtesy to wish "Bon appétit" (Enjoy your meal).